Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Tea Tuesday

Two days late, but I couldn't resist this photo for Tea Tuesday!

Today is crisp and cold outside ... and inside the house it is too! There's something wrong with the hot water heater and so we've had to turn it off. I spent a good part of last night vacuuming up water and banging on some little lid thing. According to my cousin (he does heating/cooling), something was probably loosened the first time we turned on the heater this year, which was last night. So, my mom and I are tapping, vacuuming and splashing burning hot water all over in an attempt to unloosen or at least get the pressure out to stop the leak ... while my dad stands around behind us. Needless to say, none of this really worked either. Every time the hot water heater kicks on now, it starts to leak again. Hopefully someone is coming out today to fix it because I'm at my wits end.

Here's this week's question:What do you think would be the hardest thing for you to give up on? Books! You should see my room - it's filled with books. Books I've wanted to read, so I bought. Books I've read and enjoyed or want to read again. Books highlighted with lines I love or interesting character descriptions. Books people have recommended or were bargain priced. Romance novels, silly short stories compiled, books on finance, books on genetics, books about animal rescuing, etc. I love books! "I just take a book with me everywhere. It's a habit" - Gilmore Girls :)

Book quote: In the nineteenth century, a different breed of dog was consider so vicious and insidious that it inspired almost universal fear and loathing. That breed was the bloodhound... -Jim Gorant's The Lost Dogs: Michael Vick's Dogs and their tale of rescue and redemption

I hope you're enjoying your Tea Tuesday

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Tea Tuesday is reminder to you too, my friends and wanderers that found your way here. Remember that all the good you do won't get done if you're not around. So, take a minute to relax with me at some point today.

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