After all the seniors from the fall sports came out on to the field with their family, our family was invited out to center field in front of them and in front of the bleachers. There, they annouced across the loud speakers their thanks for my dad and all his hard work over the years. They presented him with a little football statue with a personalized plaque. As he left the field, they also gave him a school jacket.
Above, you can see us at center field and my dad as he walks off the field, joined by my Aunt Sally and my long time best friend, Ali. It was a wonderful day and I found myself, after being sad and frustrated for so long about all this, for a little while distracted with my gratitude for all the amazing people in my life. To these people: thank you for being you and know you are loved & appreciated! And thank you to everyone that came out yesterday morning both in person and in spirit for my dad and my family. I cannot thank you all enough for your love and support...

You can see more pictures of time with my loved ones yesterday here.