Rhubarb came in to where I work with extremely awful bowel issues - he had explosive diarrhea! And by explosive, I mean it! It would be all over his cage and bedding while he was in our holding room and with that long coat of his, well, it wasn't pretty! We tried lots of diets, different combinations of medications and went through several grooming sessions to either brush out dried poo or just flat out shaving his back end! After some adjustments, he finally seemed to be doing really well on certain medications and one of the special diets seemed to be working for the most part ... and that's when Rhubarb actually found a wonderful home to call his own! At work, we were all terribly excited for him.
Rhubarb went home right before Christmas and was spoiled! He was living with two special Huskies and a human family that included 3 small children. Sadly, over the weekend, Rhubarb started crashing. In the time period of just 48 hours, he lost half a pound of weight. He was not eating, was in liver failure, had pancreatitis and we were afraid something else was going on (lymphoma?) maybe. The decision was made late Monday evening to end his awful suffering.
He was a truly exceptional cat - both in size and personality. He's unforgettable and I'm glad he found a family to love him before he became so sick. We'll miss you, sweet boy.

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