Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Website Want Wednesday - a list!

i will marry a man who...

- has a contagious laugh
- is ok driving me everywhere (I hate driving)
- plays piano
- can win over a room ~ what can I say? I love a charmer lol
- takes candid pictures of me/us/our pets/adventures
- is more organized than me (that won't take much)
- bakes pancakes and can make them in funny shapes
- is ok with the idea of desert for breakfast once in a blue moon
- understands my need to help others (especially animals) and comforts (not scolds) me when I take on too much
- finds my quirks adorable and tells me that
- will watch sappy movies like The Notebook with me
- kisses divinely
- speaks Spanish
- understands I will always need at least one pet (probably a Golden Retriever because there's nothing quite like them or their mixes) forever
- wears clothes well
- is proud (not jealous) of any attention I get
- watches a lot of movies
- shares some time with me and two cups of tea
- this kind of adorable-ness would be lovely
- is ok with my slight definite book obsession
- wants a loft room in our home
- understands I've got a lot of levels
- kisses me in the rain
- lovingly provides me with these things (ok, not necessarily, but it wouldn't hurt either)
- and, finally, this kinda love forever...

Hope you're having a good week!