Friday, February 13, 2015

it's been forever

It has been forever and that is no joke ... every day I think to write or have something to write about, but I just don't get to it - between work online, rescue stuff, general browsing - I just don't get around to it. However today I am writing! I am writing because there is this bridge area on my way home that is right around the corner from my house (MY house!) - it is an overpass for this creek, marsh area (the ratio depending on the time of the day).

Well, on my way home today as I was starting to pass over the marsh, I saw a car pull over and I was drawn to how gorgeous the marsh was looking - everything was crisp and cold, the water was frozen and the sun was shining down on all of it - gorgeous! I looked to the right to take it in, then I looked to the left and as I was taking in the gorgeous view (all in a matter of seconds), I noticed this HUGE bald eagle sitting in the marsh by the water!

I threw on my blinker, pulled over on the overpass/bridge and looked around for somewhere to turn around or more of a shoulder - I mean, I was on a shoulder, but there is a bigger space before & after the bridge. I figured I was good where I was and look over to watch this beautiful beast of a bird as it was just starting to fly. It was so amazing! The white tail was spread out, the giant, dark wings were spread and soaring ... I watched for awhile, standing out in the cold on the side of the road as the bird circled and circled higher and wider around the marsh.

I don't think it was any more than 5 minutes or so, but it was amazing to watch - absolutely incredible!! And right around the corner from our home.