It's been some time, but here's a post.
I saw this wonderful "pin" on Pinterest (damn you and your addictive-ness!) and followed it to the Life. Family. Love. blog post about Homemade Febreeze. Living in a place with a smelly smoker so nearby makes the need for a smell neutralizer quite necessary and I was intrigued because Febreeze is not cheap.
I followed the instructions, altering them as one of the comments suggested to use something other than softener too - I used a small amount of Suave conditioner and white vinegar. Might have needed to use more though... So far I'm not sure how effective it is because the space hasn't really smelled like smoke since I made it. We'll see soon enough, I'm sure.
I'm considering rooting around for another bottle to make the concoction as the original blog post calls for just so I can have both on hand and see which works better.
Either way, I'm excited we might get to save some money and that I can make my own scents depending on what I add :)
I'm going to try to get better with posting, I mean it! I'm constantly thinking of things to post and then don't find the time (boo!). Gotta go for now though - the puppy is getting restless and I think needs to get out.